The Clinical Report

The clinical report is a .pdf document that is delivered electronically from within the MIDSA, seconds after the user makes the request. The adult version begins with a self-report version of the Structured Risk Assessment (SRA), which structures the report into dynamic risk categories.

Scales include:

The assessment includes a comprehensive range of scales, covering areas such as lie detection, emotional abuse, the level of acceptance or neglect experienced from significant caregivers and more:

  • Lie scales
  • Emotional abuse and acceptance/neglect by important caregivers
  • Sexual scales: child molestation, sexualization, paraphillia, sadism, pornography, offense planning
  • Attitudes supporting sexual aggression: pervasive antisociality, pervasive anger, hypermasculinity, etc.

Report narratives include:

The comprehensive assessment report includes a detailed timeline tracing all caregivers during the respondent’s initial 18 years, providing insights into their upbringing and support systems at various half-year intervals and more:

  • A timeline of all caregivers during the respondent’s first 18 years, in half-year increments
  • Family, abuse, school, social/romantic, antisocial, and criminal history
  • Lifetime sexual history, including sexual interest and contact with children
  • Alcohol, drug, and pornography use

Sample Timeline:

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